To bring to life...
all those stray, abandoned, wispy thoughts that are continually taking form of some story...
all those stories... which don't get to see the light of the day just 'cos they aren't big enough to fit the standards...

Thursday 1 August 2013


The Eastern Comedian

'The Eastern Comedian'  was a well-known name in the alleys of Kolkata in the early 20th century. He used to do his shows for free and to entertain poor people. One day, he was noticed by some European tourists who were amazed by how he used his bodily gestures to convey a situation hilariously. These tourists took back the memories of his amazing performance with them. 

Soon, he was signed up by a popular European theater house. The signing amount was a meager one, but money did not matter to our 'Teko Buro' -a name he was fondly given by the people back home when he had done a hilarious caricature of a bald old man. He used cheap props to look like the old man, and it emerged out as one of his funniest gigs. (Teko Buro means 'a bald old man' in Bengali)

His European tour became a success, and he went on to do shows in other countries. People loved The Eastern Comedian. They enjoyed when he tried to offend the rich with his mimicry.He was touted to become a legend, until one night, he experienced a cerebral attack, that left him paralysed for the next decade. By the time he was fit to perform, the newer generation wouldn't recognize him anymore. Heartbroken, he returned to Kolkata and took up a job as a clerk.

Decades passed by. Our comedian was an old man now. He had a hunchback posture (the effects of the paralysis) and clear signs of old age. People called him 'Teko Buro' because of his appearance now. Nobody seemed to remember him as 'The Eastern Comedian' anymore. 

But he had faith in himself that if given a chance, he'd gleefully reprise the role of 'Teko Buro' without any props this time. 



“तुम? पर मैंने तोह...”  ने एक मायूसी भरे स्वर में कहा और फिर उसने आकाश कि ओर देखा |

“ हा हा! उन चील और गिद्धों को देख रहें हों | घबराओ नहीं ये तुम्हारा भोज नहीं करते | इन्हें नरम मांस का चाव है, मृत |” उन पाँचों में से एक ने कहा, जो शायद उनका नेता था |

आकाश सम्पूर्णतः बादलों से ढाका हुआ था | घुमड़ते, गरजते, डरावने काले बादल और उनके बीच एक छेद जिससे सूर्य कि तीक्षण किरणे धरती पर पड़ रही थी | इस दृश्य ने  को असमंजस में दाल दिया | वह एक अनंत मरुस्थल था, जहाँ कहीं-कहीं पे पेड़ थे |

“पर तुम तो वैसे नहीं हों जैसा उन्होंने लिखा था |”  डर और हैरानी में पड़ गया पाँचों हँसने लगे | हँसी के कारण उनके भयानक चेहरे और भी रक्त-रंजित हो गए |

 ने फिर कहा “उन्होंने तुम्हें अच्छा और सुंदर दर्शाया था अपनी पोथियों में |”

वे सब फिर हँसे | उनमे से एक कि आँखें प्रज्वलित हों उठी और वह बोला “ ‘जैसा उन्होंने हमें लिखा था’? तुम मंदबुद्धि मानव, कब त्यागो ये भोंदुपन?”

“हम वैसे ही प्रत्यक्ष होते हैं जैसा हमें स्मरण करने वाला मानता है” शांत नीर जैसी आँखों वाले ने कहा |

उन पाँचों पर  ने अपनी नज़र फिराई और एक लंबी साँस छोड़ते हुए कहा “अब क्या?”

मुख्य नेता ने कहा “अब दण्डित होने के लिए तयार हों जाओ |”

“पर मैंने तो तुम्हें मदद के लिए बुलाया था”  ने भयभीत हो कर कहा |

“हमारे लिए कुशब्दों का प्रयोग किसी भी कोण से त्राहिमाम नहीं प्रतीत होता” नए वाले, जिसकी आँखों में प्रचंड वायु वेग था तूफान कि तरह आगे आकर बोला |

“और मैं करता भी क्या? मेरा विश्वास मर चूका था |”  ने भरे स्वर में कहा |

“विश्वास? किसपे? मूर्ख! हम विश्वास के लिए नही हैं | हम पूजनीय हैं |” गरजती आँखों वाले नेता ने कहा |

“तो कौन?”  ने पूँछा |

पाँचों ने एक स्वर में कहा “तुम्हारा स्वयं |”

“नहीं हो सकता, कैसे? बताओ? क्रपा कर बताओ!” ग ने हाथ जोड़ते हुए कहा |

“हम तुझे रास्ता दिखाने नहीं बल्कि दंडित करने आयें हैं” उसने अपनी कमर से एक भीमकाय वज्र निकाला और रण-हुंकार भरते हुए कहा |

“मैं तो अहिंसक हूँ, मैं नहीं लडूंगा”  ने एक कदम पीछे हटकर, घबराहट में कहा |

“हमसे तो तू कभी लड़ भी नहीं सकता कायर, तेरा स्थान नहीं है... रुक कहाँ भाग रहा है!”

ग भागने के लिए मुड़ा | उसी समय आकाश के उस छिद्र में से, जहाँ से सूर्य चमक रहा था वर्षा कि एक बूँद उस मरुभूमि पर गिरी | ठीक  के पैरों के सामने | उसका का पाँव उस बूँद के द्वारा बनाये सूक्ष्म कीचड पर पड़ा | वह बुरी तरह रपट खाकर, मुहं के बल धरती पे गिराता है | कुछ क्षणों बाद वह उस झटके से उबरता है |  हाथों के सहारे उठा और घुटनों के बल बैठ गया | उसका शरीर धूल से सन गया था तथा माथे से खून भी बह रहा था |

“ये नहीं हों रहा... यह नहीं हों सकता... मुझे विश्वास...”  यह बोल ही रहा था कि उनके अधिनायक ने अपने वज्र से कि छाती पे बिजली गिराई |

 सूखे पत्ते कि तरह धरती पे बिछ गया | उनके सरदार ने पास आकर  के गाल पे वज्र से एक अंतिम प्रहार किया...

ग अपने गाल से एक कोमल हाथ को हटता हुआ देखता है, जिसके तुरंत बाद उसे गर्मी और चुभन महसूस होती है | वह उसकी प्रेमिका का थपड़ था जो उसे होश में लाने के लिए जड़ा गया था | अपने कूल्हों कि ताकत लगा वह बैठता है | 

फ़र्श पर सफ़ेद चूर्ण और गोलियाँ बिखरी पड़ी हैं |  देखता है कि उसकी छाती पे एक बड़ा इंजेक्शन घुपा हुआ है | उसकी बाईं तरफ़ उलटी और झाग से सनी हुई है तथा उसका निचला हिसा उसी के पेशाब में भीगा हुआ है |

 एक जोर कि चिंघाड़ मारता है और रोते हुए अपनी प्रेमिका से चिपट जाता है “oh! I am sorry! please… do ho hont lose your faith on me… aah aah aah please…”


Friday 5 July 2013

Certain Missed Titles

(Choices Collection)

'When are you giving my money ? You need to clear your account...  now!" said the Gallawala. I could say nothing more than, "Soon." Days kept passing this way, debt kept increasing with each passing day. 

"When are you giving my money? You rammed my bike. You have to get it repaired! " gnarled a junior catching my collar. Rushabh came "Don't you dare do that again! You'll get your money! Fuck off!" 

Next day, Rushi called, " Its MI v/s RR today. Up for it ? " (He knew MI was my weak point.) 

"I'll call you back" I replied. 


My mind was on a roll. I went for a smoke without my phone. <mistake, a big one indeed> Rushi called again unfortunate for him Rushabh picked up, cursing began.


"Don't you even dare ask me the reason for this slap!" 

His stare was piercing my eyes, my heart was taken aback by the slap.

( two days later) 

Its MI v/s CsK today, CsK is surely going to win today. I was standing at the doors of a professional bookie in Ahmedabad this time. I said to myself " Go for it you have to take this risk!" 

I stepped forward frightened. Suddenly a cold rush ran through my spine as I took out my wallet.It felt like the connection between my mind and my hand broke. I kept staring at my dad's photo. I wanted to but still i don't know why I couldn't.

I ran. I ran away from that place. I kept running miles. Though I was far away from that place, I was still running, maybe from myself.



When Love Hurts (Fear Collection)

Nidhi was crying for the whole day. Her parents kept on knocking the door but she told them to leave her alone. She didn't want to blame others for the situation in which she was. She blamed her heart because it trusted those people who could never know the meaning of trust… love… affection.

Nidhi was a simple girl from a wealthy family. She was married to a N.R.I guy. It was an arranged marriage. Underestimating her in front of his friends & family was the favourite hobby of her husband. Nidhi used to get very upset for the same. She tried to adjust with him because of her parents. But one day she discovered that he was fathering a child with his maid. Then she got divorced.

An unsuccessful marriage broke her apart. She had a fear of loving & trusting someone again. She lost her faith in love. It was nothing but a mirage for her.

When she decided not to love someone again, Nikhil came to her life. He was a real estate agent. Nidhi tried to avoid him, but she couldn't. She felt something in his smile that could heal her pain. When she hugged him, she felt like the happiest person in the world. She wanted to spend more time with him. She realised that she had fallen in love with someone whom she could trust for life. Her family was also happy to see the transformation in her behavior. They fixed her marriage with Nikhil.

She hired him in her company. One day the manager told her "Something is going terribly wrong with our company. Nikhil sold half of our property to a local promoter without informing us."
Nidhi was shocked. Her heart didn't want to believe the truth that she trusted a greedy person who could do anything for wealth. Once again her luck betrayed her. She felt like a bird with broken wings that would never able to fly. Her brain keep questioning to her mind, "Is it too hard to believe someone?"



Freedom from Fear

Accusing Eyes. Questioning Eyes. She saw none of them. She kept staring at the ceiling above.

Accusing Voices. Questioning voices. She heard none of them. She was lost in her thoughts. Thoughts of the one she had liberated. Liberated from the fear of being molested. Liberated from the fear of being a burden on her parents. Liberated from the fear of being tortured for dowry. Liberated from the fear of being burnt to death.
In turn, she had also liberated herself. Liberated from the fear of being tortured for giving birth to another baby girl.


Once Dreadful

“What should I do? I am so weak and pathetic...” G fell down on his knees and bursts into tears.

“Stand up brother, stand up. You are frail and famished. You need some rest. I will bring some food and water for you. Here lie down.” The monk laid a fainted G on the stony floor and went outside.

“ah... what? Haah!” G regains his consciousness to find that the night has already been fallen. And there is a congregation of monks in the room chanting prayers in the dim candle light.

“Here some food and water to help you revitalize your energy” says the monks.

“What are these people saying?” says G, perplexed on seeing the monks chanting.

“The brothers are praying for you.”

“It’s not me who need the prayers” says G scornfully.

“Everybody need prayers” helping G to sit down.

“My beloved, my life, my world, she is struggling for her life” G again starts sobbing right after his first morsel, Food still in his mouth and some of it leaking down.

“You must act strong. God help them, who love and be strong for that” said the monk offering him water.

“Will God help me?” G clinches monk’s arms “will you help me?”

“I can help you as much as god has made me able to” says monk gently acquitting G’s firm grip and engulf his hands over G’s.

“Chant some mantras, cast some spell, use your magical powers but save her, please! I beg you... Emancipate me from this dread” G shrieks.

“I am just a monk brother. I am not God with miracles, or a wizard with magical powers, but I’ll pray... I’ll pray for you, for her and for your love. To give you strength in eluding your fear for your loss.” said monk in absolute certainty.

“What do you know about love and fear of losing that love, haanh?” G asked infuriatingly.

“I am here only because of Love, Loss and Fear, Brother” says the monk placing his steady hand on G’s forehead.

G’s face becomes relaxed. His eyes get shutting slowly as if they were falling freely.

G opens his eyes after a chronic meditation. He is with a shaved head, in monk’s all white attire and a beads’ necklace. He relinquishes his Padamaasan to rise. He then walks towards the river bank in the mountains with an intense thought.

“The river is peaceful today.” He said to himself and bends down to drink some water.
He looks at his reflection. He is the same monk.

“I didn’t recognize you that day. How could I, I was in a dreadful melancholy. If you hadn’t been there that day for my help I wouldn’t had known LOVE and to let go of the FEAR. I am at peace now. Thanks and pray to you brother.”

G rise up to look at the cloudy sky and then...



One February Morning

MINA BECAME A VEGETARIAN sometime during college, which we saw as a step towards slow progression towards her religious observance.  In explaining her decisions she pointed out the provisions meat eating:  the calf has to be healthy no injuries, the slaughter has to be done in the quickest and most painless manner, and several other points to be taken care of. If so many guidelines were to be followed to serve the ethical treatment of animal that was fated to die, she reasoned it just did not seem worth it. She lived her life the way she believed God intended.

Aleem’s background was also religious. Although no one ever met him, he was in his twenties like Mina, like her he too had a strong sense of community. He likely gave part of his construction worker’s salary to charity in accordance with his religion. His life was never easy, but he knew if just lived it as he believed God intended, he would be justly rewarded.

One February Morning, Aleem boarded a public bus with a bomb and killed himself, Mina and twenty + others in the bus.

Mina’s work with homeless and hungry, her volunteer to teach in a public school, her passion for the quality of the natural environment, and we wonder why such thing happened to her. Aleem on the other hand involved in a militant group accounting for their own individual perspective of freedom, also the one group that provides support and shelter to the poor and needy when local government falls short. Both of them somehow ended up in the same place, doing the similar things. Mina, through no doing of her own, had become Aleem’s enemy. And he killed her.

Certainly religion accounts for differences of world views of its adherents, but do these differences disqualify for the possibility any common ethical denominator? We would often wonder how someone so frustrated with poor quality of life can marginalize the value of other human life so violently.

The absence of the actual real teachings of individual religion now has transformed regional wars which were earlier into religious based wars now which are a fearful sight for our generations. Many such stories still go unnoticed. 

P.S (This story is inspired from a book called An Ethical Compass)


Fear of Failure

Rashmi for the first time failed in her life in 8th standard, in mathematics. She was taken aback as she looked at her score card. She thought of herself as an average student but this one failure made her feel so pathetic. She lost all her confidence. At night, she was lying in her bed numb for whole night. She got up at 4am, passed by parents’ room & overheard her father saying to her mother,

“Rashmi has disappointed me for the first time in life. I never asked my children to top and secure highest grades, but passing is the least I expect from them. Couldn’t they give me back this little, in return of the efforts I’m making to educate them. Our father didn’t have enough money to educate us, and here, I’m trying to educate them but they ain’t willing to, may be, I don’t know! What? And Why?”

Rashmi eavesdropped her father and tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew she had disappointed her parents. She went on the terrace, cried for long. She made a promise to herself that she’ll never disappoint her family again, in her whole life, never let them down.

She worked hard for compartment and passed. Later when she went to school, she felt embarrassed in her class to share her result with her friends. Though a few more got compartment, but they were habitual to it, but Rashmi was not.

The feared from failing again, she dreaded it. She knew she won’t be able to take the pains of failing ever again in her life, this fear of failure gave her strength to work hard all her life.


The Last Train

After a hard day’s work, Graham was tired and only wanted to get on the train to be back home. He lived in Poughkeepsie and yet traveled to the city of New York almost every day, making his daily commute of more than two hours on both side.   

He was very late that night and had to board the last train on the metro north, the same train which was called “The Haunted express” due to some unexplained deaths, which had been noted & covered by the ever watchful yet useless media.  

Graham, like every night climbed aboard the train, took a corner seat in the empty compartment & drowned himself in his book. He liked reading and made sure that he carried a book every day, so that he could read on his long way back home. 

It was only three quarters of an hour later that he noticed a very beautiful woman sitting a couple of seats away from him. Her beauty was beguiling, with blue eyes like that of the sky and blonde hair that resembled a streak of gold.

“Quite late for a pretty lady to travel” He said, trying to start a conversation.

“Sometimes things take a bit longer” she replied.

“And you’re not even least bit afraid, to travel alone in the Haunted express, that’s admirable” he said making a pass.

“Are you not afraid?” she asked.

“Of course I don’t fear something that doesn’t exist”

“Fear is something horrible, an atrocious sensation, a sort of decomposition of the soul, a terrible spasm of brain and heart, the very memory of which brings a shudder of anguish.” All of sudden she said in anger.

She walked up to him, looked him in his eye and said, “Real fear is a sort of reminiscence of fantastic terror of the past”

By the time she kept quiet, he reeked of fear. His heart rate had started to rise.
She smiled and said, “New Hamburg has arrived, time for me to go.”

A flash of light, a momentary disturbance to his vision and she had disappeared.

Next day the tabloids read “The Haunted Train claims another Victim – Graham Cole, a Poughkeepsie resident, found dead in a compartment alone with a book titled – Rise of the dead.”


Theme For The Upcoming Week : FAITH

Friday 21 June 2013


"Human instinct is the first line of defense against terrorism. It was a proven fact that human intuition was a more accurate detector of danger than all the electronic gear in the world -the gift of fear, as one of their security reference books termed it." 

- Dan Brown (The Lost Symbol)


They were on their first trip together as a family. His dream to show his 9 year old daughter the wonder that is India. He too, as a child, would have loved to travel. But his family never had the money to take vacation trips besides two yearly trips to the movies and then the cheap food stalls of the beach.

And then the birth of his daughter. Against the instincts of his mother who said it would be a boy. And yet his joy knowing no bounds when the tiny palm held on to his finger. Against his strong objections, the horoscope of his child was made. And his curiosity that made him peek into it. Ha, the bunkum that is these horoscopes. And yet against his instincts he put a red ruby on a platinum chain on his daughter’s neck.

While their house boat drifted over the backwaters of Kerala, he fell into a beer-drunk, lulling reverie. He never knew a daughter could so change a man’s life. … change a boy into a man. The feeling when the nurse put a dirty slimy…. thing into his arms and he kissed it (because science said that the kiss would make a permanent bond between father and child). How he changed the dining room of his house into a nursery the best toys and clothes were bought.  A full library was created even before her birth. Admission was secured in the best preschool and then school of their suburb.   How he stayed awake that entire night, when she had fever, putting wet mops on her forehead. How he shaved his own head off, to be with her when her ceremonial shaving was done. Her first fall from the cycle, her first cut, her first school play, her first picnic and how he followed the school bus in his car.

And……..suddenly his drunken, semi lucid, thoughts were broken by a scream. The house boat had dashed against another and was taking in water. He jumped up and rushed to look for his daughter. She wasn’t in the room. He rushed out to check the front deck, where she loved to sit while the boat glided over the waters. He saw his daughters head bobbing in the water. He just jumped into the water. He did not know swimming. But his precious daughter was drowning. He first went down, took water into his lungs, came up coughing, saw his daughters head and grabbed on to her hair. The water sucked him down again, his lungs took more water, he started thrashing. His daughter had somehow entangled her arms around his neck. They went down again and this time he started suffocating, drowning . He thrashed, bucked wildly as a dying man would, pried open her grip on his neck and gasped out onto the surface, where an arm caught him and held onto him. He could see the red ruby descending the depths.

“Adddddaaaahhhhhh”, he screamed in despair, agony and sucking in air…… as his instinct for survival won.



She cupped her hands and blew her warm breath on them to infuse some heat….. and maybe luck. She was putting quite a lot on this one move. Could she trust her instincts?
And her mind fell into a thought. What is instincts?

Is it the known drive for procreation that makes a lion kill all the pups of a lioness so that she will mate with him?

Is it the will to survive that makes a mother pigeon fight for her eggs against a parliament of crows.

Or is the instinct of the Bomb squad expert which makes him cut that one wire, safely?

Is it the feeling that makes a mother shield her daughter when an abusive father is trying to hit her?

Is it the same feeling that makes a man take a right turn …… or left when standing at a fork road on the Express way?

Is it the feeling which stops a girl from going out with that rich, charming and dashing guy because something “doesn’t feel right about him”.

Is it the feeling that makes one girl look in onto her friend when in a drinking rave party at the college jam session?

Or is it the instinct of the student who studies one chapter more thoroughly before the exam?

Or is it that inbred, genetic knowledge in the DNA that tells a man where exactly to put in his willy during his first encounter of sex?

Is it that feeling which tells a man which friend he should not loan his hard earned money to?

Is it that butterflies in the stomach, which forewarn a man about some ominous happening?

Is it that sense, which tells a girl which mismatched colors will look good together, on her.?

Is it that sense, which tells a girl which guy to say yes to, in the traditional set up of an Indian marriage?

Or is it the feeling which makes a drowning man abandon all else and take care of his own life?

Or is the writers feeling that makes him write a story in a particular manner, knowing that his readers might not appreciate it?

But all her deliberations were interrupted by the cry that went around the Racecourse. The horses were nearing the finishing line. She too screamed at the excitement of the end of the race. Horse number 6, the Yellow Streaker had won. The horse that she had bet on, because of the name Blue Thunder, had lost. She had bet against all odds, against all bettors knowledge. She had bet her entire life’s savings on nothing else, but just her instincts. And now she had lost…….. And now she had lost the last chance to pay off her debtors, the money she had lost on IPL betting…….. And the goons would be at her door soon. To demand payment, in cash or in kind….. again and again. She again faced the dark thoughts, which had surfaced some days ago, asking her to kill herself…….. or would she just trust her instincts…… and take another last chance…… and place that last bet….. if only she had the money….. how could she get that sum she needed to save herself…. Her mind started racing again.  


Soul Instinct

The very first time we had a fight, we did not make an eye contact for so long that after a while, it was how it seemed to have been from the start. Since always. Two animals had tasted blood and there was no coming back. But we followed our soul instincts. We knew and did better. 

We got back. Held hands and took some days off. Then it all seemed to work. 

We progressed. Made promises post wild love. We had found our world until our world found us in those unsuspecting moments during all those months of bickering and bitterness, while plates got thrown and the hatred grew.  
It showed itself to us in the cumbersome sadness and in our castrating madness.  It was in the fresh accuses and the stale abuses, in tumblers cracked and hurled, hair strands torn and curled.   
In the end it became us once the denial was dysfunctional. And it felt real. More than ever.


The Package

The commotion of the crowd portrayed the onset of a busy day.Asif carried his box of shoe-polish with a strap, hanging on his left shoulder. He rattled it with a metal spool, alerting the people.Some would ask him to  get their shoes polished. Asif loved the business.

He had a job to do today. He was instructed by some people to run an errand. They had promised him five hundred rupees. Greed and need got the better of our 11-year old Asif and he agreed.They handed him a small package, to carry it to the farther side of the station (the busiest platform, that is) . He had to keep the package under the water cooler there and return. Thus he set out.

He reached platform-6, placed the package and waited for a few minutes. People looked at him,yet no one was bothered to ask. Being sure that he did that right, he returned from the platform. 

He waited for some time. The handlers came soon, gave him the 500-rupee note, and bid him goodbye.

"Now we wait." One of them said to the other. 

The day transformed to noon and proceeded to the darkness of night. Asif's handlers went to platform 6, retrieved the package, and three people followed them back. 

" We got the full recording of the day." one of the three responded.


"and..many people saw him place the package. Even the guards did. But no one came to inquire about it. You can see the reaction of the people there. Here, take a look." 

He passed on the handycam. The first guy saw the recording, and sighed. His instincts were right. Nobody really cared.

He was now assured that his plan would work.



“Watch it carefully.”

G looks at her again this time with an inherent gaze commemorating something archaic and dear. She was busy with her girlfriends chatting, playing and sharing in an absolute merriment.

“Watch it carefully.” Says D in a soft whispering voice but with a strong emphasis.

She waves to a mutual friend sitting next to G. Being a reserved personality he had hidden his feeling from everyone very dexterously. He is extremely skillful in concealment and benign deception. His eyes get affixed on her again. He sees...

A Raven is trying to pick off a lustrous golden mango from the branch of a Goliath tree. One look of which can effortlessly leave you spellbound.

“Are you watching it?”


“Do you want it? You have to know that you want it” says D.

“What do you mean father?” little G relaxes his grip on the tensed thread of the bow.

“Son, choosing a goal alone for our life is not important. You have to know that the thing for which you are giving our life is the very thing you want” preached little G fastening the yarn on the bow. “Now, do you know that you want it?” giving the bow back to little G.

“Yes I know I want her” Says G with a sufficing smile, sill beholding the girl musingly.

The girl looks back. Their eyes locked. Everything else becomes vague only her manifestation is evident... and the arrow and suddenly...  

The Raven looks back at him. Little G locked his eyes at it. Everything else becomes vague only its manifestation is evident... and her eyes.

“Remember! You know you want it” whispers D.

Little G relinquishes the arrow from the arc. The arrow swiftly cuts the mango from the branch and sends the Raven back to where it came from, startled.

“Go ahead son, pickup your prize. You did well today.” Says D taking the bow from little G “and remember...”

YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT YOU WANT IT” both the sire and the progeny speaks in harmony.

“Now go get it, your mother will be waiting for you and her birthday present” tells D playfully pushing little G towards the tree.

G quickly stands and walks towards her seating with a surety in his eyes.

G asks “Excuse me?”

“Yes” she answered with a perceiving grin.

My name is G and you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. I am here because I know that I want to be with you. Would you like to be my friend?



There are a lot of moments in life when we have to take important decisions. And we should know that we are the sole person responsible for the outcome of our decisions.

I have had many moments in my life where I had to take responsible decisions and at those times I have solely depended on my instincts. I am a successful engineer now working in a top IT company as senior software analyst.

Six years ago when I was in my last year of college I faced a big decision, should I go for higher studies or get a job in any company that comes my way. The jobs were scarce at that time and every one was fighting for a post in any company; big or small. A lot of my batch mates were already placed in some company and this fact was putting a lot of pressure on me. My parents too, were against the idea of going for higher studies, they wanted me to start earning.

But I had always dreamt of getting into a reputed college and pursuing higher studies. Opinions and advices started pouring in from everywhere. I have always believed in one thing - listen to everyone but do what your instinct says and that is what I did.

While all my friends were running for jobs I moved to Delhi and rented a small room for preparing for those exams which would open the doors to my dream college. I chose Delhi because it had many institutes which could ably guide students with the preparation for such exams. After some time my parents started supporting my effort too and finally my hard work paid off. I got into a good college which ultimately helped me getting a good job.

Now when I look back the only thought that strikes me is that it was wise on my part to trust my instincts because it were my instincts only that helped me to reach the respectable position I am in now.


Walking towards Goal

Samar was a medical student and he was studying in the second year of MBBS.  Though he could have a good education, good life with a tag of ‘Doctor’, still somewhere somewhat he was not satisfied and was feeling incomplete. He always felt he was going towards the direction where he didn’t want to go.

Samar’s passion and desire were always towards sports, especially towards football. He was also his school’s football team captain and he always loved to play football whenever he got free time.

But he realized about his passion towards football when he had already started moving on his path towards medical. Now Samar was in a dilemma as he had two options whether to continue the path which he had already chosen and earn good recognition with the title or whether to follow his passion towards football.  

Though Samar knew his passion towards football still he felt it’s not always right choice to follow passion rather one should continue on the path which he already have chosen as life. Samar had taken his decision against his instinct to follow his passion, rather he continued on the path which he has already selected.

We all have instincts towards certain things. But all time it is not necessary that it leads to right direction. It may lead to wrong direction also.


A Mother's love

Kavya had a happy family with her 6 months old daughter, Divya and husband, Punit.

That day Kavya was on terrace to dry the washed clothes. Punit had gone to office and Divya was sleeping. Suddenly Kavya felt the tremors of earthquake and then saw that a crowd had gathered on the road. She had no idea what was happening. She rushed to downstairs and saw other residents of the building rushing outside. Her sixth sense was telling her that something bad has happened. She lost her sense and fell on the ground.

The building where kavya's family lived was in a deplorable state. Municipality had given them several notices but they had always been ignored. Mostly middle class family lived there because of the affordable rent.

Punit tried to call Kavya but nobody replied. He was so anxious for his wife & daughter. Around 2 am when a member of the rescue team went for the last time to see whether someone was trapped inside. He heard a woman's voice. He went in the direction of the voice to find its source. He saw a hand of a woman under debris. He went to her for rescue. Her hand was trapped under a heavy beam & it was bleeding profusely. Her pulse rate was running very slow. She was murmuring "Save my daughter first. There she is. Please save her first."
He went to the direction & saw a baby,deeply sleeping .He took her in  his lap & told her," She is fine. Don't worry. I need help to rescue you."

When the rescue team went to rescue Kavya ,she was already dead.

A mother loves her child unconditionally. She can do anything to protect her child from danger. Kavya wanted to save her child till her last breath.


Killed By Instinct

Five feet nine tall, smooth brown skin, slender yet curvy where it counted, rounded cheeks and curly black hair that kissed her shoulders, Jennifer Browne was a striking beauty. Academically she was one of the brightest students in every institution that she had set foot in.

Beauty and brains, always a lethal combination.

She could have become anything that she wanted and yet she chose a profession which was perilous, where each day started with an uncertainty of survival beyond the moment. Yet, in a short span of time, she had made a name for her as one of DC’s finest.

It was another day at the office for Detective Browne, She was to catch a bunch of thieves red handed smuggling stolen antiques to another country. Both Detective Browne and her partner Ray were getting desperate, sitting in the car, waiting for their back up to arrive.

Time was running out, the thief’s stooges had almost emptied the warehouse and soon would complete their job.

Jennifer checked her watch and without saying a word, she walked out of the car. Ray followed suit, he trusted Jennifer and knew she was good at what she did.

Both with their guns drawn entered the warehouse But the stooges had made a run for it as soon as they heard the breaking of the door & the loud call of “FBI”. Jennifer and Ray split; she followed a guy whom she suspected to be the leader. After a small chase he had entered another room.

The room was dark, filled with huge boxes & he was nowhere in sight. Suddenly a couple of shots were fired; Jennifer took cover and waited to retaliate. She heard the creak of the door; he was making a move towards it.  She knew what she had to do if & when the door had opened.

She tried to stop herself but her Instincts had taken over, years of training were put to use. She raised her gun in classic weaver stance, her grip properly braced and fired 3 shots in the Kill zone.

He was dead before he hit the ground. It was only when the light hit his face she knew what she had done.

Her Instincts had overshadowed her Judgment. She had shot her, best friend, her fiancé, her partner Ray, who was entering to back her up.

(Based on an Unaccounted event & Characters from James Twinnings Double Eagle.)


Intuitive Love

They were celebrating their 21st marriage anniversary. After the party ended, they moved towards their room.

He was following her. He suddenly hugged her from behind, to her surprise & utters, “Its’s been 21 years, I’m still enduring you, I can’t believe it, you are amazing Neha,” he giggles.

She, “yeah & it’s a glee to put up with all your bad habits, you still leave the wet towel on bed, you make a mess of bed linen, you never help me in household, but when you kiss me on cheek stealthily while I’m busy working is the sweetest thing you always do,” she chuckles.

He, “thanks for accepting me the way I’m, thanks for loving me this way, I’m so lucky to have you.”

She, “love in not just about the smiles we share, one has to put up with the bad habits of their partner too; love is not a cake walk.”

He, “thats so true Neha, like I endure with your stubborn attitude since day one,” he teases her.

She nudges him in the ribs & he tickles her.

They playfully retire to bed & lying side by side, he recalls, “21 years back, when I first time saw your picture, I had an intuition that this girl shall be my wife, I don’t know why, my inner voice told me that she’s the one”

She replied, “so did my instinct told me, when I first time looked at your picture, I knew from that very moment, you’re the only one for me” she smiled.

He, “and then I just couldn’t listen to anybody except the voice calling my heart, coming out of your picture.”

She gets up from bed & holds in her hand the photoframe lying beside their bed, on the table & shows it to him, their first pictures they saw & fell for each other.


Winner Takes It All

His “Spidey” sense was working overtime today. “Killer Instincts" was what his friends called him.
Taking one last look at his work, He stepped on the gas and hit the road. His work there was done.

The D day had arrived. The clash of the titans for the coveted NPower football championship. The Red Giants were to take on The Royal Blues in an epic final.

Jose, the Reds coach was with his team. He was taking them through the pre-match warm up and practice. He'd noticed that the team was quite nervous. He signaled his team to round up.

"Guys, I want you All to give your 100% while playing today. I know each one of you is a bit nervous on how to tackle Micheal’s goal scoring streak. But remember, if we stick to our style of play, we can literally reduce them to shreds. I believe in each one of you, question is, DO YOU?" Jose could sense that the team looked upbeat and ready.

Just then Thomas called him on his cell. "My Office, Now!!!”. Thomas was the director of The Red Giants Football Club and also was a footballer himself

Jose knocked "May I come in"...

"Oh cut the crap old man... Come on in and sit" Thomas exclaimed.

Jose wondered what was so important just 10 minutes to the game. But all he could manage was a smile.

"So, the lads ready for the game eh?" Thomas asked.

"Of course, the preps have been fantastic. I am confident about the team." Jose spoke.

"And, you have made any special arrangement for handling Michael" Thomas winked.

"What, No No. No special plans. Our gameplay is our strength you know that Thomas" Jose remarked.

"To hell with your game play Jose. I know Michael won’t be playing today for the Blues.They say he met with a freak accident yesterday night and fractured his toe. Now all of us know that without Michael, their team doesn’t have a chance."

"Oh yes sir, but they also do have other players!!!" and Jose sarcastically spoke while smiling devilishly.

Thomas rose from his desk, went towards Jose's chair and putting his hand on Jose's shoulder,
"Well played boy. You, my man, are the Man of the Match today. You almost single handedly won Reds the match"

"Actually I use both my hands while driving Thomas" Jose remarked and both shared a laugh.

"By the way, did you wipe the blood off your car" Thomas enquired.

"Not a trace" Jose rose from his chair and waved goodbye, while he could hear the sound of the fans cheering Reds 2nd goal in 10 minutes.


Theme for the next week : FEAR